Important Landlord Information
Landlords must now sign a standard lease after April 30, 2018. If a standard lease is not used, renters can ask the landlord for one in writing which the landlord has 21 days to provide. Unless the renter and landlord agree to negotiate a new lease agreement with new terms, the renter cannot ask for a standard lease if they signed a lease before April 30, 2018.
Additionally, if renters sign a fixed-term lease before April 30, 2018 and it renewed automatically to a month-to-month tenancy after April 30, 2018, the renter cannot ask for a standar lease. If a landlord fails to provide the standard lease within 21 days after a renter has asked for it in writing, the renter may withhold one month's rent.
If the landlord does not provide the standard lease within 30 days after the renter has begun withholding rent, the renter does not have to repay the one month's rent. If a lease is signed after April 30, 2018, it must be a standard lease.
The Residential Tenancy Agreement
This button will download the fillable version of the lease form, but must be opened with Adobe Acrobat version 8 or higher. This can be downloaded for free here.
This button will download a static version of the lease form, useful for printouts or viewing on browsers. This does not require Adobe Acrobat to veiw.
Who needs to Use the Lease Agreement
Most residential tenancies in Ontario will need to use the standard lease, including but not limited to:
- single houses
- semi-detached houses
- secondary units (basement apartments)
- apartment buildings
- condominiums
A standard lease is not required for tenancies that have special rules or partial exemptions under the RTA. Some of the exempted tenancies included are:
- care homes (retirement homes, etc)
- mobile home parks
- land lease communities
- social and supportive housing exempt from the rent rules under the RTA (for example, housing subject to operating agreements under certain programs or where the tenant receives publically funded rent-geared-to-income assistance)
What is in the Lease Agreement
1. Mandatory fields that must be completed and cannot be altered or removed. These fields include basic information that is included in every lease, including:
- the names of the landlord and renter
- the tenancy term, rent amount and services included
- other terms which landlords and renters can agree to, such as rent deposits, key deposits, smoking rules, and renter's insurance
2. Optional additional terms, allowing landlords and renters to agree to terms or responsibilities unique to the rental unit. Additional terms are considered void and unenforceable if they not consistent with a mandatory term of the lease or the RTA.
3. General information for landlord and renter rights, responsibilities, and unenforceable conditions, including:
- ending a tenancy
- subletting
- illegal charges
- pets and guests
- landlord entry
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